ACE your POA Tuition - Your Trusted Principles of Accounts POA Tuition Specialist in Singapore
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Why 870+ students & Parents from over 55+ Different Schools Trust ACE Your POA Tuition?
9 out of 10 our students score 'A' and 'B' for their GCE POA examinations.
... simply because we are able to produce unbeatable track records of students in Singapore to have achieved B3, A2 and A1 for 'O' & 'N' level in 4 months.

What makes Ace Your POA tuition so uniquely different?
Ace Your POA is the subject leader for Principles of Accounts (POA) in Singapore that specialises in teaching Principles of Accounts O level and N level syllabus POA tuition in Singapore. We will be your first choice in tuition for accounting as we have an unique set of teaching methodologies which encompasses the use of the current accounting terminologies that is applicable to the current MOE syllabus. (7087 POA O level & 7086 POA level). Having taught by a current Associate Lecturer and Chartered Accountant of Singapore – probably the top POA tutor in Singapore.

To be inline with the changes in the accounting landscape, MOE has revised its Principles of Accounts syllabus (7087 POA O level & 7086 POA N level). And this is why many parents who are accounting graduates find POA very different as compared to those days when T-accounts are still in use. As a result, good and reliable POA tutors are in high demand especially if they are familiar with the current syllabus.
Revised POA Syllabus Implementation Starting with 2020 Secondary Three Cohort...
The new Principles of Accounts syllabus, 7087 for POA Express O Level and 7086 for POA Normal (Academic) N Level implementation will start with 2020 Secondary Three Cohort. 2020 revised POA syllabus aims to helps students develop 21st century competencies especially critical thinking and communication skills when students analyse information, make decision based on certain data given in an exam paper.
Why is our POA Tuition so popular amongst parents and students?
Our principal tutor, Alex, has authored several accounting related education materials such as the POA Ten Year Series for GCE O and N level examinations. His first edition of the POA topical revision notes went out-of-print within three months since its launch in June 2016. Prior to this, Alex have taken up hundreds of POA tuition assignments as a private accounting tutor / POA tutor. Having more than 18,000+ teaching hours to date, hundreds of students had achieved a distinction grade for Principles of Accounts under the guidance of Alex.
....every 7 out of 10 our students score an A grade their 2022 GCE POA examinations

In the most recent 2021 GCE O level examination results saw a total of 35 distinctions with a total of 2 A1 grade and 33 A2 grades. The total distinction come up to 71.8% which means that 7 out of 10 of our Ace Your POA Tuition students scored an A grade. This outstanding performance will indicate why we are the best POA tuition provider in town!
....our POA teaching materials are keeping abreast of the latest POA exam questions
Despite this, Alex designs our own proprietary materials that are not available in the market. Meaning to say that our students receive an upper hand to shorten their learning curve and score better grades in POA. Secondly, the tested and proven ‘SMART Method’ has helped struggling POA students to build a powerful foundation such that they can start learning in school with ease and be more confident in the area of Principles of Accounts.
Our Services
POA PRIVATE One-to-One Coaching
We understand that every student is unique and hence we do not believe in a “One-Size-Fit-All” approach. Instead, all our students will be given private one-to-one consultation with our Principal Tutor, Alex. Unlike most 1-to-1 POA tuition, students in our program will be provided with top quality up-to-date POA materials that are developed in-house yearly.

POA PRIVATE One-to-One Coaching
We understand that every student is unique and hence we do not believe in a “One-Size-Fit-All” approach. Instead, all our students will be given private one-to-one consultation with our Principal Tutor, Alex. Unlike most 1-to-1 POA tuition, students in our program will be provided with top quality up-to-date POA materials that are developed in-house yearly.

O / N Level POA Tuition Class
Most of our Sec 3 to Sec 5 POA students for NA/Express look forward to our highly interactive and energetic POA tuition classes. Our POA lessons use materials that are carefully crafted by Alex to help students prepare for school tests and national exams. We do not just make our POA students do worksheets, but we teach them to think critically, to analyse questions and approach questions accurately with good answering techniques to score a distinction.
POA Intensive Revision Workshop
It is not too late to score A for POA! We conduct a series of POA holiday intensive revision program during the major school holidays to provide immediate help to students who did not do well for their mid-year or prelims or final year exams. This “POA crash course” focuses more on foundation understanding and strengthening of concepts.

POA Intensive Revision Workshop
It is not too late to score A for POA! We conduct a series of POA holiday intensive revision program during the major school holidays to provide immediate help to students who did not do well for their mid-year or prelims or final year exams. This “POA crash course” focuses more on foundation understanding and strengthening of concepts.

Singapore's No. 1 Best POA Tuition
Ace Your POA is the subject leader for Principles of Accounts POA tuition in Singapore using the SMART method to help POA students to build a strong foundation, gain mastery & score a DISTINCTION in POA.

Bestselling POA Tuition Author in Singapore
Highly interactive and engaging tuition taught by POA Ten-Years Series TYS writer, Singapore’s best-selling POA assessment book author. A current accounting lecturer and practitioner, former Deloitte (Big Four) auditor with more than 14 years of teaching and corporate experience.

GCE N Level / O Level POA Crash Course

Your Child’s POA Grade Can Jump 3 to 4 Grades With Our Accelerated POA Intensive Workshop / POA Crash Course. We are confident that your child will receive the best holistic tuition environment with our custom-designed POA Curriculum based on the latest MOE syllabus and recent exam-trend questions.
Are you a Parent with Secondary 3/4/5 Child taking Principles of Accounts ... ?
and you would like your child to score B3/A2/A1 For Principles of Accounts…
or you are looking for some ‘straight-to-the-point’ POA Tuition to summarize the most essential point in each POA topic…
If what we’ve just described is what you are thinking, you’ve come to the right place.

Let's Hear From More Students...
Before the SMART Method
90% of POA Students Started with D7, E8, F9
After the SMART Method
90% Scored ‘A’ and ‘B’
- Resulted-Orientated - able to see results within a short period of time
- Interactive Class - which make learning POA so much enjoyable
- Quality Teaching Materials - specially written by Mr. Quek
- Dedicated and Passionate Tutor
Top 3 Reasons For Choosing Us
Hundreds of students started with ACE your POA with C6, D7, E8 or F9 grades and have experienced tremendous improvement by at least 3 grades jump to achieve success in Principles of Accounts (POA). In 2019, 73.3% of our students scored an ‘A’ grade for their GCE N(A) Level 7088 POA examinations. Ace Your POA is the subject leader for POA in Singapore, offering the best POA tuition for O and N Level students – simply because we make POA fun and enjoyable! (most of his best students show improvement over 4 months or less)

2025 POA Curriculum Customised In-house
At ACE your POA, we take pride in creating our worksheets which stretch your child’s ability to learn POA. Our POA curriculum is specially designed based on the latest MOE syllabus and is updated constantly based on the latest announcements and requirements by the MOE-CPDD (Curriculum Planning & Development Department). Our POA assessments are aligned to the marking scheme set down by the UCLES (University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate).

Alex Quek, CA(Singapore), BSc(Hons)
Principal Tutor, Aceyourpoa

An Experienced, Competent & Committed POA Tutor
Alex Quek is the principal tutor at ACE your POA tuition, which specialises in helping students excel in the subject of Principles of Accounts. He has personally sat through the ‘O’ and ‘N’ Level POA written examinations and has witnessed 4-syllabus changes (7118 to 7092 to 7175 to 7087) which allow him to deliver accurate syllabus requirements to students with his own POA curriculum.
Trusted and Reliable POA Tuition by Published POA Author
Mr Quek is the current writer of the POA Ten-Year Series (TYS) solutions for GCE O Level (7175 POA and 7087 POA) and N(A) levels (7088 POA and 7086 POA), published by Shinglee Publishers. His two others books, POA Topical Revision Notes and ACE your POA workbook, has sold more than 11000+ copies since its first launch in June 2016.
A Current Full-Time Educator With A Wealth Of Relevant Experience
He was inducted as a Chartered Accountant of Singapore in 2018. Alex has taught POA for more than 14 years as a private accounting tutor as well as a contract teacher with mainstream MOE schools. He is a current associate lecturer with the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) Accounting Diploma Programme. He is a former auditor with Deloitte and Touche (Big Four).
Days to
GCE N(A) Level 7086 POA
(revised) Examination 2025* (tentative)
Subject Code 7086 POA:
POA Paper 1: 9-Oct-2025 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (1h)
POA Paper 2: 13-Oct-2025 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (2 h)
Counting down to
GCE O Level 7087 (revised) POA
Examination 2025* (tentative)
Subject Code 7087 POA:
Paper 1: 29-Oct-2025 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (1h)
Paper 2: 31-Oct-2025 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (2 h)
More Than 870+ Students From
Over 55+ Different Schools In Singapore
have chosen ACE Your POA Tuition simply because we are student-centric, consistently developing up-to-date study materials for students to do well for their GCE O and N level POA examinations.
... students staying as far as Bukit Panjang, Jurong West, Punggol, Sengkang, Tampines and even Pasir Ris will travel to us simply because our POA lessons are effective.
POA Tuition - ‘SMART Method™’ Accelerated Learning
that has proven to produce results, even for D7, E8 & F9 students.
(Our programme is best for hardworking students – It takes two hands to clap)
ACE POA With The Best Systematic Plan Developed By POA Ten-Years Series Writer (Shinglee)
P.S Beware of cheap copycats who claimed they are POA specialist.

YES! I want my child to score an 'A' for POA
Fill Up Your Details Below To Book A FREE POA Diagnostic Consultation
(Hurry Up As Spots Are Going Very Quickly)

By Alex Quek - Your Trusted POA Tuition Specialist
Reliable POA tuition will keep your child abreast of the latest MOE revised POA syllabus.
This may sound like a shock to you. Yes. Your child will be sitting for the revised POA syllabus in the year 2021. Are you
Ace Your POA ‘Live’ Virtual Classroom During Circuit Breaker From March 2020 to Jun 2020.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Ace Your POA Tuition has been monitoring the situation in Singapore very closely. Also, we have responded to the situation
How private tutors can be a better option for students.
In the quickly altering situation of the 21st century, the methodology towards education has likewise changed. The world is moving from conventional homeroom instructing techniques
POA tuition serves an important role in students’ studies.
POA tuition Centre – a hub for learning basic Principles of Accounts. Nowadays, students are opting for POA(the Principle of Accounts). The role of POA tuition is
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Wanted POA tutor in Singapore? LET US HELP YOU FIND AN EXPERIENCED AND COMMITTED HOME TUTOR What Type of POA Tuition does a parent find
How can POA tutors help students improve Accounting?
At Ace Your POA, POA tutor work hard to help students to understand the basic accounting concepts by teaching them real-life examples, so that they